Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 7 -Queenstown to Haast

Weather abated in QT as we set off for going North up the west coast

stopping at Wanaka for a run around and bread toasted on a public bbq we then Set off thru some mountains to get to Haast. There is only one way to go. Contrast uk where there are often many ways to go. And the clouds were up ahead and already dropping their quarry over the landscape

Haast is small and mobile signal free. Under the circumstances a third night in a proper bed was needed so walking past a flourescent "vacancies" sign in the pouring rain we checked in. Getting stuff out of the boot had to be planned first as it was raining so much. Butthe kids were finally away from the car
rowan loves battleships because it involves ..... well..... battleship shaped bits of plastic and a chance to blow things up even if he doesnot understsnd the rules.  This time we advanced however to them sticking the counter on their side and an adult interpreting if it was a hit or a miss. 

The owner Olly was very nice but a bit lonely I think with a little alcohol Problem. He took every july off and went to thailand and fished. He knew nothing about computers and his wife had left him. A toaster had been lifted yesterday by a guest.

later whilst out for a run along the road there was a screech a bang and some smoke rising In the distance. A small car driven by a solitary chinaman had pulled out In front of a 4x4 and the small car had been rear ended into an 8ft deep ditch. Noone was hurt. He had to next day catch a lift back to christchurch to pick up another car

ollies later comment was "happens all the time, orientals dont know what they are doing. Around chinese holidays i dont go far"


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