Sunday 16 March 2014

To the ferry to Wellington

Saturday morning After stripping all the bed linen and putting a big bundle of it on top of the car we drove slowly the 40metres to have final breakfast with Colleen Ross Liam and Stuart. Our two had been there half an hour already. They climb gates  so as to avoid the fiddly catches.

French toast with maple syrup or brown sugar. Then on our way from sunny farm to grey mainland and a long journey. We nearly ran out of petrol near the end. Never have we been so glad to see a 24hr self serve. But amazingly we got to Picton for the ferry with an hour to spare.  Sorry Bill we did not have time for the scenic road east from Picton. Sorry also we did not take the ferry in day time as sunday 3 pm was a long wait if we did not get Sat 7pm. Sorry Dan & Ali no time for Golden Bay.

its a beware seals sign
we are no further north after 3.25hrs. Seriously blowy. Rowan wanted to watch toy story instead of walking the decks
just managed to book a Wellington motel 15 mins before we got off. After kids went inside the motel now at about 10.45pm i came out to get final stuff from the car and the internal boot opener stopped working. We have never been able to open the boot using the key so now we could not get in to the boot at all.oH dear. Ran to corner shop to get toothbrushes (nothing irritates me more than not being able to clean teeth) negotiating Wellington saturday night revellers and disinterested clerk -oh this is what a city is like again - then to bed pondering boot action next morning.

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