Wednesday 12 March 2014

Day3 at our hill top farm

We have been continuing to chat to Colleen and Ross over mealtimes with 8 of us squeezed round the table. Incredible bread with linseed and pumpkin seeds made via a 'wet' no kneed mix in the side of the Rayburn.

We get to hear about and talk about extended family and observe Colleens no nonsense clear boundaries parenting style, honed via Canada.  Today Sarah potted 24 herbs. Unpacked 6 boxes of photos some from 1831. (This 500 acre farm has been in Ross s family for 5 generations) Hung out washing. Childminding when required. Guy did pruning. Hanging a gate. Moving stuff to garage. Finding 3 rechargeable batteries all of which were flat.

And all the while the kids are getting on SO well. Liam and Stuart are old enough to be responsible but young enough to still want to play with our two. During rain they went to scooter around in the now disused wool shearing shed. With regular older child stimulation ours will jump on a lot in a short space of time.

It is chilly at night so we have our duvets from the car in addition to supplied. Brekky is in our own place. We work mornings only or extra to generate a day off.

There are a few bones about the place that the dogs chew on. We tell the kids they are from dinosaurs. Today they were in the tree house looking for giants with a pair of binoculars. And looked for escaped Guinea pigs.

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