Monday 24 March 2014

Kawerau - a round up

Tommorrow we leave to go to Auckland.

The longest flight of our trip Auckland to Vancouver is still more than 2 weeks away however but he is practicing
We did not get a picture of grimace when a studded Rowan accidentally trod on Sarahs flip flopped foot
Permanent marker takes a short time to get on and a long time to get off. Tea tree oil. Swimming pools eventually
Our hosts Raewyn and Peter have a games cupboard
Cool under pressure she doesnt often sit down. Here she has just had her teeth fixed so she sat out tonights catering
Looks a bit mad and is. Mickey taking, practical. Occasionally they talk over each other so it requires keeping track of two conversations. He has a certificate to do the following
Drill a hole under a tree
Then set charges and blow it up
Steam comes out the kerbs. Smells of sulphur

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