Friday 21 March 2014

Kawerau-the place

Kawerau was planned in order to provide personpower for the  "Norse Skog Tasman paper and pulp mill" in the late fifties. Small town about 6900 people.

Chosen for nearby pine forests, for river water and geothermal energy which creates electricity. Peak population was 8500 in 1980's but as one half of the mill closed then this has meant that the overreliance on one industry means the town is quite depressed eg about 40% of shops and businesses are empty. Originally 2000 worked at the mill but now its 10% of that. 

The area is volcanic. Has the largest geothermal power station in nz and was badly affected by a 1987 quake.

There are a couple of gangs. A good community spirit (apparently) but 25% of the population recieve handouts. Drug use. Early pregnancy. Burglary. The motel has a young Alsatian called Oola chained up at the back. She is an early warning system for people who might hide in woods at the back of the property looking to thieve. Peter the owner said one night Oola was barking and would not stop. Ie indicating possible predatory visitors. So Peter took his gun and shot a possum he found in a tree. He heard some swearing in the dark then Oola went quiet ie the blokes decided to move on.

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