Monday 7 October 2013

Two days off at Ranong

We are staying the night in ranong as our weekend is mon& tues. Standing in torrential rain on a corner a pickup stopped and turned around to take us 20km here! Algerian man and his Thai wife were driving

We had only a hand drawn map from Eco logic. So with kids on scooters off we went

Rather hoping for the best
We were a little outside our comfort zone

"I think  it's this way"

"Are you sure?"

"No but we have no choice but to carry on"

"But can't we get a pickup truck taxi?"

"We could but we don't know what route they followand we don't speak Thai"

"But the kids are tired and want an ice cream"

"I know that but there aren't any shops here"

This was interrupted briefly by finding 
We found out that crocs and slimy pavements don't mix. Our state of mind was not helped by this.

After another few heated words we looked up to find we were standing in front of the Ranong tourist office!
In we trotted to find it deserted but open. A quick check revealed no maps of any description. I did not find this unusual as we are now getting used to some things!

Upon trying the office of commerce next door, I held out my paper offering and as I started pointing, the lady whipped a map out of her drawers. So then confusion as the hand drawn map was different to the printed one.... 

After ten more mins we found Palmy guesthouse. I had to Jump on to google translate to get them to bring extra marttress. Then kids watched scooby doo and it kept raining

Some crusty Germans smoking putaide the guesthouse advised us where to eat so we wandered off in the rain crossing mini rivers at street edges. The kids were great not one complaint

So challenged by the rain were we that we left scooters accidentally on a street corner. We only realised when we came back after and found them!
Night market was part of ten day vegetarian festival
Today we return to EL

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