Thursday 17 October 2013

Khao lak Our last night

After spending a lovely day at the pool we went out for dinner. Green curry 'soup' for me.. 

And Thai red curry for Guy

After dinner and while waiting to collect a pair of trousers for my mum, Guy decided he wanted a foot massage and no sooner had he stepped into the air conditioned massage room at the back of the shop than Esme was pounced upon by three beauticians. 

We had seen a little girl with braided hair at the swimming pool and Esme had commented that she liked it so she had it done.. 

She sat patiently for an hour of undivided attention..

And had a manicure, pedicure and leg massage thrown in! 

She was absolutely thrilled with the result! 

And although she said it was a little bit 'ouchy' she managed to sleep all night and was delighted again this morning! 

Rowan, meanwhile played angry birds throughout the whole episode and Guy came out declaring it was the worst massage he had ever had! 

But here's today's finished result..

The goddess.. 

Sarah xx

1 comment:

  1. Esme's hair looks great xxxx
    Where are you going in Penang?

