Thursday 3 October 2013

Eco logic What it's like..

We are in the middle of the jungle which again is a very different part if Thailand. The temperatures here at the moment are somewhere between 20c and in the full heat of the sun it can get up to 30c. The climate is so humid that nothing really feels completely dry.. Not as humid as Koh Phayam, when you could wash something and it would stay wet for days.. but it is still hard to dry clothes..

But it is so beautiful.. The site is built into a huge hill on an old palm oil plantation site of 18 acres. 

The charity does really incredibly important work in the area. There are many disabled children in the area due to them being born to young parents who have no knowledge of parenting because of their age. Also a lack of thermometers is a problem. Children can become disabled because of lack of care when they have a high fever. I didn't realise that if a young child runs a high fever and it is not dealt with it can result in disability. 60% of the 35 children in the school were born healthily but then caught something on their early life

The charity cares for and educates children who have been abandoned with grandparents or would be left home alone all day when their parents went to work as the kids are too heavy to carry to the fields, and provides all of the children in the area (that are in need) with very much needed nutritional support, access to medical care, (operation and hospital costs) as well as education and scholarships. Amazing work

. If specialist care is not available outside of big cities then rural dwellers need to pay firstly to get to the city and secondly to then access care out of area and thirdly the Children's parents lose income earn able that day because they are accompanying and not working. Net result is that they can't afford it so don't go.

We are volunteering here and so far have been involved in weeding (and there's lots of that with the rate if plant growth) laying cement over pipes that had previously been broken due to falling trees and clearing the yoga hut. It's absolutely filthy work - much more so than at home and because its so hot it's sweaty work too..

That's me in my work gear! 

If any if you fancy a trip to Thailand doing something that 'gives'.. I'd highly recommend here.. Hard work for a bit but lovely lovely people and its for a very important cause.. 

Last night we had 12 hours of torrential rain that caused the river outside  out bedroom to swell so much that it changed course! It's now running pretty close to our room.. 

There's only one nasty thing here.. Take a look at this!! 

The pen is to provide some scale.. Yech!! 

Sarah xx

1 comment:

  1. It looks lovely and fresh
    You all look great
