Thursday 24 October 2013

Gecko waiting for a bus

Today we tried to go to Patong which is the most touristy bit where we might spot topless broiled male sitting in beachfront cafe ordering egg and chips in a loud voice after getting up at 3pm, however after 90 .minutes of waiting for the bus we gave up.
Instead we went to a coffee and tea type bar at the roadside and ordered some cold chocolate drink so they half filled a glass with cocoa

and hot water, then furious stirring to dissolve then topped off with thick creamy condensed milk to sweeten.
This mix is then poured over ice in another carton before thin carnation milk gets topped off. Lovely. Albeit mainly ice after the first few sucks
We then drank it on a bamboo hut construction before later the owner came and said hello "its a franchise" and a bit of too and fro - what are you doing how long you here etc etc.  "Have you tried thai cold tea"
(A few words said in thai) then 5 mins later  we have a complimentary maximum ice concoction which was sweetened cold tea orange in colour test

"do you have wifi"
"no but try this code"
it was from the hairdresser across the street

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