Sunday 27 October 2013

Shopping centre

Today our hosts were back from their week long holiday - in Bangladesh of all funny places (it's only 2 hrs flying time from here!) and they took us to massive shopping centre somewhere in or around Phuket. (I have no sense of direction so am like a goldfish)..

The shopping centre was great but I must say I felt really disappointed to see the number of 'Farangs' there.. It almost felt as if our little bubble of Thailand was popping for the day.. 

Guy and I lamented about all the crazy/wonderful things we'll miss when we leave this amazing country.. Seeing whole families crammed onto motorbikes, pick-up trucks with 12 people patiently sitting in the back, the mosquitoes (NOT!), the smiling and happy faces of the lovely Thai people, the strangeness of not being able to buy table knives for eating with, the crazily balanced trucks and motorbike sidecars perfectly packed (and 12 feet high!), the barking dogs and wailing cats that keep me awake all night.. I feel a little bit sad that this part of our trip is nearly over! 

Anyway, enough of that! I also realised (and yes girls, you'll be able to recognise this feeling!) that when we hit the bright lights of the western world - I'M GONNA HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!! 

My packing was reduced and reduced and reduced before we left home and allI came away with was two pairs of shorts, three vest tops, two pairs of flip flops and some underwear. None of which is suitable for going out in Singapore, Brisbane or anywhere else! 

So I spent my time in the shopping centre feeling thoroughly fed up and worrying about this latest fiasco I find myself in. I can hear you all thinking, 'Oh Sarah you poor thing, I bet Guy said something encouraging to make you feel better'. 

Unfortunately not. I know- it's disappointing. Guy came up with his standard line, - 'You can buy something from a charity shop can't you?!' Great. 

It's not that I'm against charity shops, and yes, I have bought many great things from them, but I must also admit that I do LOVE  the thrill of a new purchase, the excitement of trying it on at home, and then discarding it when I realise it doesn't look quite as nice as it did in the 'thin mirror' at the shop. (Not really Guy- if you're reading this!) 

But the kids and Guy had a great time. Guy bought a drill for the school and he was quite delighted with himself. And we had two ice creams each. Even better as Guy loves ice cream.

I still have the dilemma of lack of clothing. No birthday coming up soon. (For me). Bummer. 


  1. Take a quick trip to the markets and get a couple of skirts and a scarf xx also you can get decent cheap clothes in Singapore xxxxx

  2. I can empathise. Just tried on my old work clothes and nothing fits, and I have a meeting tomorrow, aargh (for those who don't know me I had a baby in Dec. Brilliant, but not for the figure). If it makes you feel any better, as I recall, the Thais only cater for size 6 max so any hope of buying trousers (apart from Fishermen ones) are dashed anyway. In the days when flares were hard to find in the UK I had my eye on them only to find I could only pull them up to my thighs :( Jaqui's right-skirts and perhaps sarongs are prob the best way to go. Ignore Guy, go forth and spend :D Xx
