Friday 25 October 2013

Gecko walking "chopper" around neighbourhood

Dogs  are common in this part of town and its all quite laid back. They are a good idea as an early warning system and would keep snakes and rats out of a garden.

"Chopper" likes to growl and chase things this presents some quandaries when deciding which direction to go in when leaving the school for a walk. If I go right then there are two untethered dogs that are at least  as big  and up for it leading to much yanking of the choker lead to avert a snarling face off

So if I go left then all the untethered dogs are smaller so understandably dont want a fight. There are a pair of big ones who are behind a big gate and cant get out but they still come charging down the garden each time we go past, my irrational concern is that they would hurdle a six foot fence!

I actually really wish I could speak more thai as walking a dog in a small neighbourhood where everyone sits outside and is smiley would mean lots of conversation. As it is if they offer me a fresh green coconut with a straw I can say "thankyou" and "tastes good" in thai but not much else..

Thais have an interesting view of recycling I'm not quite sure what it is
Thought it was straight dumping but then then I started taking pictures of it in action and they were not phased at all, almost like its agreed in some way or its a way of extending the land over marshy ground

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