Friday 25 October 2013

Travelling 'Thai style!'

We have recently taken to travelling on a scooter -'thai style' which means all four of us on it.. This usually means Guy driving with a child standing between his knees, a child standing or sitting behind Guy and me usually bringing up at the rear. 

On our first major jaunt of +30 mins, I was resting my foot on the exhaust pipe exterior when I noticed a sensation of hear coming up through my new flip flops. We then got lost for about ten minutes and eventually stopped to try and find directions. It was only then managed to grab a moment to look at my flip flops.. To discover that one foot had melted! It now fits the exhaust pipe perfectly but doesn't fit my foot so well!! So I am walking with a pronounced limp until we find some more! 

And the saga of the hair cut was finally resolved today. Some of you know how keen Guy was to test out his hairdressing skills on me. Thankfully I found a hairdresser and didn't let Guy loose on my barnet! He told me he would, of course cut it carefully and concentrate with every snip.. I tried to explain a comparison would be him trying to delicately cut a topiary tree with his chainsaw but when we saw a great little hair dresser who would cut it for £10 with wifi (and selling ice creams).. That was the clincher! 

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