Friday 25 October 2013

Gecko - scooter to Surin beach

So with our growing confidence on the bike
we all set off
and all seemed well apart from the beach seemed to be further away than we expected. So we stopped for a map check as we approached a new obstacle of huge 3 lane roundabout. Helpfulocal told us we had done a wrong turn and had already done two sides of a triangle instead of one
Not too much of a problem apart from the "your life in their hands" approach of the roads and Sarah's melting footwear

As we were 4 on the bike she was sitting far back so feet could not reach the proper support peddles. Instead it was on the exhaust, after a while she said I can smell burning!
The sun was baking. Every right turn into traffic flow took me ages to negotiate. Kids were fidgety and hungry so we had couple of other meltdowns on the way to the very beautiful beach. As we often spot a turn first, then work out how to get to it safely secondly, we overshot to this beautiful view instead of the beach
When we got back to the bike it was Scorchio on the seat so we had to run water into it to make it sittable on. Eventually we headed off the stomach derived rioting with
Then found the motorbike stands
Then back to the sea
Still we all came back in one piece despite being side to side with a truck at one point

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