Friday 18 October 2013

Gecko - visit to orphanage

Each Friday is "community" day at school which is an attempt to ensure the pupils are not in an ex-pat bubble but interact with Thai culture in their immediate surroundings
The girl pictured is two and is there with her 7 year old brother and 11 year old sister. Hans was explaining that the eldest has had to grow up too quickly and their task is to make sure she realises she can be a child again. The three of them live in one room and Hans again explained that the staff don't intrude too much to start with so the kids can make their own space, then later they introduce a rule at a time eg shoes outside etc
Everyone was tucking into snacks at ten am, donated by Gecko (we didn't know so didn't bring any!) but daddy says "no" had to be retired for the morning
It is hotter here than before such that you sweat when sitting down doing nothing in particular, but when I saw Hans sweating I thought " oh it's normal" and water bottle in hand got on with the day

We then walked around some flooded former open cast tin mines after a short drive
The lady with her back to us is called Susanne

Above is a rare moment of walking, our two did not like the walk and screamed their way through the wood as their contribution to the quiet murmurings of nature so we has to carry them as for once we were sans scooter . The two year old walked much further with much less fuss
We then returned for lunch on mixed up tables including yellow watermelon and cake and ice cream and chips
All in the beautiful surroundings of the orphanage grounds
Here is another link that explains things a bit more

Ps can someone please comment if the link does not work when copied into another browser (it won't work as is cos its not an active hyperlink )

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