Monday 21 October 2013

Gecko-running around

So like sarah said we were beginning to think we werent mesnt to be travelling around in Phuket, first no cycles big enough so we try to use the scooter left by the school. But the two helmets are not big enough for my strange Turton head (forceps at birth remember) so go to supetmarket and only one there fits me but it has a broken visor. I buy it anyway for 199bht or £4
Next day i learn the ignition and then see the back tire is flat. Email celi and huw in bangladesh to see if can fix then next day push it 20mins to the shop hand it over to a grandmother who says come back later. Get home and realise wing mirrors are designed for a midget and all i can see is my chest so back to shop again. I could not shift the nut but i then found out was turning it wrong way
So finslly set off for a test ride (its been 20 years) and i realise that map is brief cos roads are brief ie no shortcuts so find myself on 20km test ride thst goes in a loop up and down windy steep roads but make it back in one piece only problrm is sarah has been with kidsALL day, even though she found some baby yoga cards it was a bit much so we went out for food

1 comment:

  1. So now you all go for a ride on the scooter together we know you can fit! The pics are all great and we love reading what you are up too. Xxxx
