Tuesday 29 October 2013

Gecko Hat Yai beach

We were offered the aiceternoon off so off we went about 20 mins on the bike. To the north inserted in the north west of the island
No one there as still not the season but beautiful
As we were without lotion we kept running in and out of the sea according to the clouds. Airplanes every ten mins landing at Phuket international but still peaceful. There was a lot of seaweed in the water that lapped around my feet
Later realised the seaweed was plastic bags

we then found a huge market and got gorgeous deep fried chicken
if you look carefully you can see the beak in the deep fried carcass as nothing is wasted after the prime cuts are used. I thought my work mate Mr D might find this a thought provoking use of chicken remains!
sarah took this. We didnt try them
quail eggs are more normal here ie not expensive so they sell pre fried 9 of them and cook them in the holey frying pan 
Above iS filled with ice then the metAl tubes are filled with different flavour squash and 
inserted in the holes with a wooden stick too then when squash is frozen it becomes a lollipop when taken out

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