Monday 14 October 2013

Khao lak- walking around

Tailor, food mart, shop selling clothes nick nacks, hats etc, restaurant, tourist dive trip shop, optician ( I've got two pairs coming)

 Walk past any driver and its "taxi?" Or  "where you go?" It's got to the stage where I shake my head before they ask. 
Last night I was imagining getting a t shirt that said "if I need one I'll ask thank you" . As its low season and work is slow then it's understandable

I picked up some  red grapes and was quoted 140 ( three times their actual value) so just walked away, now I've taken to naming a price and walking if they don't agree, the barter is not something I enjoy

Yesterday we found a street vendor selling deep fried chicken at midday 40pence a go delicious, so kept going back. He would put his cigarette down to serve us. About sixty, with a paunch and a smile, swarthy with black hair and black goatee, he took his time to select each already cooked piece for us from the warm bowl on sidecar set up. This conveyed care as if he was trying to find the best bit for us. The sun was so hot on my back I was just glad to get back in shade

Today we paid £4 and are using another pool

The beach still has occasional signs of tsunami eg bit of old wall with tile on, now in random position on beach but all resorts are now rebuilt in the bit where we are

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