Monday 7 October 2013

Eco logic - teaching

 We donned our green t shirts and had our plan for an hours lesson. Special kids are on a break and its better if they don't have high staff turnover with short term ers like us so they let us loose on the weekend kids who are ordinary locals . After raising the flag we sat in circle and rolled a ball to each other saying "my name is"

Then still in circle we played pass the talcum powder to music. When it stopped we could rub the face of any chosen person
Much mirth as i am sure you can imagine
It was all very informal
Then our lesson, a welcome intro from us done in hangman style

The girls had it won as soon as they cottoned onto choosing vowels

With "a" scoring twelve I knew the boys would not recover
In the end we made it one point for the winner so they weren't too down
We then did a word search copied directly from the kids plastic coated "100 things to do on a long journey" cards. Then in the last 5 minutes we did a chalk circle on the concrete floor and then it was follow my leaders Actions not Words as we jumped in or out of the circle. Any child that jumped when leader didn't or vice versa was out. Later TheCroods in Thai, some ping long and flippy football. Kids made two trips to local shops during the day so lots of fizzy drinks and ice cream were consumed.
At the end they all shook hands and said thanks. As it was a weekend school it all pretty easy going

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