Saturday 19 October 2013

Please can you leave some comments?

Is there anything you want to see more of? Anywhere you have been that we shouldn't miss? Any other thoughts? 

It would be great to hear from any of you.. 

Guy has opened the comments so it should be easy to do.. 
Please email us if there is a technical reason
You should not need to sign in to leave comments


  1. I do, I have and I will!
    Don't miss the seafood place called End of the World when in Penang - it is the other side of the island but great food xxxxx

  2. Testing, testing...

  3. That was Shani, well done Guy. I've been trying to leave a comment since you started. Loving the blog-i read it every night to get the next installment! Can't think of any improvements, just keep the photos coming, they're ace. If I think of anywhere you should go I'll let you know. I'll have a think. Btw, thank Esme (or Rowan?) For giving Alice Upsy Daisy; she sleeps with her every night. Hugs all round. Xx
