Monday 23 June 2014

Olympia - Watershed Park & Pizza

Dropping the tiller off, this time with Rowan in the front seat and the ladies in our car we ended up at Watershed Park.  This was a new experience for the children as it was a park with no climbing frames in.
"How long till the playground?"
'This is a different sort of park. Its a forest and we are on a naturetrail'
"I hate nature."
"Dont walk so fast"
But we managed to get them slowly round the shaded 1.6mile loop
We  passed 7 people in 90 mins. 
the kids favourite game was running ahead and then hiding to suprise us.  Rowan also created his own booster pack which made him run superfast.  Such fun with an empty bottle, kids can teach us so much

After all that hard work we went to find an ice cream. 

"you dont need to pay on a Sunday!"  the lady laden with shopping bags said to me as i was sizing up the parking meter.  We passed the end of some sort of gay pride fete.  Then it was 10$ minimum credit card charge, so I bought my first MounnDo of the trip (green caffeinated soda) to bump up the figure.  A few colourful locals passed us by as we ate our wares outside the shop
then to a LOCAL pizza place, number 33 of 300 on trip advisor.  Big queue when we arrived and a funny smell. I thought that was the bloke in front of me in the queue but the smell persisted throughout
At the till above I placed the order for a large Pepperoni

'That'll be 18$ please, what name?'


(hesitantly) 'Guy?'


'So thats G....'

"G U Y - Guy"

'So thats G O I Y...'

"G U Y -(deciding a change of pronounciation is required) Guaiy"

She gets it ...

'Oh Guy'

"Yeah Guy like man or boy"

by this time the queue has got even longer. I go and find Sarah in the booth and then realise we have no cash for all the pinball machines.  I set off up the road and walk the block to the place where the ATM or cash machine should be.

"Excuse me is there an ATM around here?"

A young black man with a hat and baggy shorts turns round.

'Just in there' as he points to a shop.  I notice what is in his hand, an incredibly ornate silver looking thing about 4 inches long, it looks a bit like a metal valve or a tap for something.  I look again and it has   enscriptions and a nice picture on it

"whats that?"

'Its an e-pipe' (he opens his hand for a clearer look)

"An e-pipe?"

 I reach over and pick it up from his hand, he is not worried i'm going to nick it.  It feels weighty and is well made and really quite a nifty little personalised gadget. I put it back in his palm

"How's it working for you?"

'So far so good, its been about 3 months now and i've kept it up the whole time'

"Well at least it gives you a reason to do it when its such a beautiful thing like that"

He is mid puff as a demonstration of its functionality as he nods and we go our separate ways.  I get back to the pizza joint

the review didn't say pinballs were in there.  the one on the right as you can see is Dirty Harry, it came out in 1995, a full 7 years after the last film. I had never played it but when younger remember seeing it one day and it saying in its American electronic voice at the end of a game..."Dont go, i'm just getting to like you!"

the one thats being played in the middle is thirty years old, I know this because when i was 16 and still in school uniform i used to go next door to Oxford Polytechnic in my lunchtimes and play it.

So we are waiting for the food and i have a go on Dirty Harry and it turns into one of those goes that doens't happen very often, it goes on and on and on and the kids get bored of waiting, I start worrying about Sarah waiting for me, the food then gets called out and still the game goes on and its only the first ball!...and I've put in enough money for 3 games......After the first ball i just left it and went back to the table to eat the pizza
decor was interesting, sodas were done on trust

Hulk Hogan didn't put me off my food, despite looking like Stretch Armstrong. 
The kids had one go each, Esme was very good on yet another pinball.
Then we bailed back to the car. then drove the wrong way up a one way street to get to the water play river area again

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