Friday 13 June 2014

Olympia - settling in

Kids have started a new phase. Ie Talking directly to other adults instead of just via us. There are still a few name lags ie calling this host Leeann the name of our former host ie Sally. Or  whispered "whats her name again?" But overall they are being quite quizzical with Leeann and her daughter Kayta and Kaytas friend.

"Leeann have you got any Lego?"

'No I used to but I gave it away'

"Why did you do that?"

'Well my kids grew up and it wasnt being used'

"Can you get it back? "

And on it goes. ......

The food philosophy here is healthy. Fruit is cut up on the assumption it is more likely to be eaten. Homemade granola. Esme was liking the milk that slowly turned brown from the agave.
Peanut butter worth importing
She is still keeping up her running and today marked the first special stomach session.

I am planning the final 3 weeks of the trip in detail booking campgrounds reading reviews etc.  Kids are getting spoilt with two attentive 17 year old ladies to pay them lots of attention

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