Saturday 21 June 2014

Olympia Clearing out the garden

We are currently house sitting for our host who had gone away. As usual, we were left with a long lust of jobs that needed doing: looking after animals, doing gardening, planting and weeding, clearing overgrown patches of garden and general maintenance of the place. 

One of Guy's jobs was to take the twigs to the tip. He had to move them up a big slope and load them into the van. Firstly we couldn't find the car keys. (They were then found in the ashtray). Then we couldn't start the van and Guy thought it needed the battery charging so he dutifully did that for two hours. (He later realised it was because he hasn't pulled the choke out!)

Then the truck eventually got loaded up. 

Esme is in there somewhere! So after eventually getting the truck loaded and taken off to the dump, ..... (now I'll take over) we drive onto weigh scales. They note rego and weight. We then dump our load.

Then weigh and pay. The man gave esme some stickers.   

On the way we had interesting questions like

'What is a leaf made of?'
'Is that a big tree?'
'Why were those ones cut down?'

She was so excited to be in the front seat by herself. The truck was a stick not auto and I had almost forgotten how to drive it. What with the load. No rear view. Other side of the road and navigating it was a little stressful.  Esme told us about lights changing to green.  Then we later went to pick up a tiller

Earlier it was blender time


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