Friday 27 June 2014

Fort Worden State Park

Overnight light rain on the tent. Esme duvet off -contradicting with everyone else on; apart from that I slept really well
Leaving Fort Townsend state park we saw twin baby squirrels running around
Headed to Fort Worden State Park
"An officer and a gentleman" was filmed here.
it was a barracks between 1902 and 1953 ready to repel invasion from the western sea
This little sign took us straight back to Thailand- we are on the pacific ring of fire afterall
Keep it varied and they dont lose interest
The children were competing for the 'most artistic' title
Meanwhile Sarah had a few minutes of daydreaming
Old gun battery defences left behind. The guns were removed early 40's to be put on train gun turrets in WWII. They got to new york but the war ended before they have been converted and shipped to Europe
Managed to convince Rowan that there were ghost skeletons in the fort.. 
And suddenly a new game began
We looked everywhere! It was possible to walk underground thru the bunkers for quite away
But after a very steep uphill walk a fruit break was needed. . Then it was all go again..
The wildlife in this area was amazing and we saw a wild deer (just out of shot) 

This was the Memory Vault where some very moving poems had been published
A final last bit of climbing

..It turned out to be a great day although a little overcast
And now a new campsite. The children have already started making new friebds
But the number and sheer size of some of the caravans (?) Is astonishing

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