Monday 16 June 2014

Olympia - CIC

Community for Interfaith Celebration. 5pm Sunday. We arrived separately from Leeann who has been going here for a few years. Through double doors where a large circle of chairs has some seated and some walking round to the acoustic music. Smiley grey haired bob lady welcomes us at the door. Then one of the nominal leaders welcomes us before we sit down.

A small table with unlit candles is on one side of the inside of the circle. People of all ages but noone of colour.  Main grouping is grey/white haired female over 55. Suspended across the centre of the circle above head height is a series of small flags denoting different religions. Also in the middle of the circle are some larger cushions on a large blanket

(From the website: We come together to celebrate the seasons of life, 
To study and practice wisdom and compassion, 
And to encourage the spiritual work of each person 
--for the sake of the whole world)

We each say our name into the circle in turn.
We start with a song I think. I didnt know the words nor particularly connect with it or I would have remembered it.

Then a younger brightfaced pink fleeced woman introduces the theme of Transitions. So similar to last week its about celebrating 17 yr olds moving on or moving away to further education.

Kids are invited to sit on cushions mid circle. Also in the middle are the four 17yr olds. Kids light candles on the table.

"Does anyone have a transition coming up if going to their first school/preschool/delete as appropriate)?"

Hands go up. Each child gets their turn to select a cotton wristband to have tied on. Then the 17yr olds are given one and tell us where they are going next.  Then one by one each 17yr old stand s up and is given a book and a few kind amusing words are said about them by one of the leaders. We hear what they are going to study where and why.  Each parent is then invited to say something about their child in often moving ways. Then any other adult.

Then we clear centre circle. Four youngsters stand in middle and everyone puts a hand on the shoulder of one of them, all at the same time, and more words of good luck or wisdom are proffered to them. They are then whisked off for a dinner. Small kids go out for art. Adults carry on with rest of the service.

A song.  A guided meditation. Then anyone can light another candle and verbalise anyone or anything related to transitioning ( and stick it in the wooden box with grey sand in it.) I did one around a transition that is not happening for someone. Moving.

Then as it was fathers day we were invited to go round the circle mentioning any father we are thinking of. I didnt choose a person but a collective of any older male who makes time to listen to a younger male. This is already quite moving.

Then we finish with a big stand up circle with a music accompanied simple movement of arms hands and feet that leads us to begin as a pair and then slowly after a minute or 2 move round one by one meeting a new partner each time. This involves holding hands. Looking people in the eye and connecting and optional hugging. I always hugged  but rarely sang as I was moved beyond words by looking my partner in the eye each time. These momentary human real connections were incredibly precious and healing. I weep throughout.

Then it was announcements to end and then the kids came back. Shouted and ran across the circle to me.

Thanks to Cic for a wonderful service.

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