Wednesday 4 June 2014

Imagination that has no bounds

It seems we have now moved into the arena of imaginative play with the children with them amusing themselves for hours with a cardboard play house carefully decorated with scribbles and post- it notes and their firm favourite.. Dressing up. 

Rowan now will not leave the house without some sort of cloak- all be it a handkerchief, a pillowcase or his firm favourite, a batman cape purloined from a dressing up box here in Seattle. 

This was him yesterday on his way to the park: Batboy in full swing.. 

And another one doing a flashy turn: 

Esme too seems to have caught the dressing up craze with her still wearing her Vampire Princess costume that was donated in Canada nearly every day. Yesterday she added the new accessories of a devils tail and horns. The tail quickly became a magic wand and when she later saw it being chewed by the puppy we are staying with, all hell broke loose! 

And what with Malificent's horns that we picked up whilst in Vancouver they have lots and lots more stuff to cart home! 

This is an older photo of beautiful Esme

And a rather blurry one from yesterday fully kitted up! 

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