Friday 20 June 2014

Olympia - park bbq football

Upon leaving the beach up some steps we didn't have a clue which way to go but as Sarah taught me "thats half the fun isn't it?"  But before we could start debating which way to go the kids were off on their own path.  Rowan led the way and Esme was not to be outdone.  It doesn't look steep but thats photos for you, it was quite a bit steeper. It was steep enough for one of the adults of our party to say "I'm not going up there"....when i heard this i leapt after the kids to encourage them to get to the top successfully which they did...thus ensuring the adult had to follow us too!

it was only after we had all scrambled up that we saw this sign minding its own business at the top.  After a good bit of sitting around on benches chatting whilst the kids used a playground we headed back for a bbq.  Ian and Minna kindly brought the coals and supplied a good portion of the food

Bless Ian. He did all of the cooking. I didn't have to lift a finger. This was an incredible treat in itself.  When i pointed this out to Ian, he told  a story of a couple who he bbqd for many many times over a 2 year period as they didn't have a garden. And when they did get a garden they returned the favour only once.  They also asked him to help move house once. But by this time he had twigged so turned up an hour late on purpose and the couple were sitting on a step waiting for him to arrive....

anyway...Ian even supplied a Coors Gold for a hardly drink person
Modelling a skirt that looks like a pair of shorts. The shorts are sown in (Value Village finest), so if Sarah was a Wimbledon tennis player she could fall over and her modesty would be ok.  I call them the "Access no areas" or (self imposed) Chastity skirt. But of course she gets a kick out of this

the brocolli is just for show. it doesn't get eaten. We put it on the plate to provoke a kiddy tantrum

Minna and Ian left next day after Ian and I watched England lose to Uruguay.   It was on a small tele with commentary in Italian. I found my phone equally interesting. I had already managed my expectations so as not to be dissappointed by failure, whereas poor Ian had to drive away in a very frustrated unhappy state after witnessing the loss.  I guess I'm more cynical. 

A famous psychoherapist from the past (cant' remember which one ...perhaps Perls or Reich) used to get happy when a friend would come and tell him of an unfortunate event in their life ....the therapists view would be something like...."now we can get some real transformation and progress"

 Actually some good can come out of the (now confirmed) early exit if we play fewer games a season.  Its only sport.  A modern replacement for hunting (angles and distances and shooting), and a sort of tribalism that is deep in our ancestory but has little option to be healthily exercised  for most of us......

now.....this evening we gave serious planning thought to having 2 final days in Detroit


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