Sunday 1 June 2014

A surprise race! (Sarah)

After a fitful nights' sleep with a boiling little body next to mine, I dreamt I did this 5k race. I woke up at 4 and forced myself to go back to sleep and woke up again at 6.15 and thought to myself 'it's a sign!'

So I tiptoed around trying not to wake anyone up and then managed to slip out of the door to a nice looking morning.. I managed to find my way to the race site (purely by luck as I forgot to read the instructions from the front desk) and somehow managed to register and run this incredible race..

I felt quite emotional as I ran the first half as cancer is a horrible disease and it's close to my heart and I was running with lots of fundraisers and, more importantly, survivors. 

This is me ready to go:

There were loads and loads of people there, lots of children, walkers and runners and the atmosphere was great;) 

I got a huge bag of dress up gear, drinks, snacks and frisbees - great for the kids - and ran my little heart out! 

Half way through I had a cup of water but drank it whilst running and yes, threw it all over myself! Oh well! 

It was great to see Guy and the children and it gave me a real boost and I finished the race in a great time - even finished quite near the front! Excellent!! 

If you're tempted to do a run like this - then do;) it's not as hard as it seems;) 


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