Thursday 19 June 2014

Olympia Little animals

We have a lovely new kitten here that the children are trying to tame - well, Rowan has discovered the quickest way to get him to leave him alone is to growl like a dog. It's quite convincing and the poor cat is terrified. 

His name is undecided as yet. Esme really wants the cat to sit on her knee but is scared of its claws;) so we haven't managed a successful session as yet. 

This is the cat in the dog bowl. 

The dog loves the cat and thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. 

Unfortunately the cat doesn't agree..and the dog is about 20 times larger than the kitten. So we have a tiny kitten arching its back and a whimpering dog trying and failing to make friends

And this is a truly amazing creature that I have never seen before - 

A pig with wings!! More exciting critters to follow tomorrow!!

S xx

1 comment:

  1. oh that last pic of Esme just cracks me up LOL
    - lady from Oz
