Wednesday 18 June 2014

Olympia - Priest Point park

Getting up at 3.40am to drop our host Leeann & daughter off at the airport. (They have gone to California for a few days)....The conversation in the car was gentle owing to the earliness of the hour. Dropping them at SeaTac airport I then drove the Prius hybrid back. Woke the family up at seven am and then went back to sleep till ten am.

Minna and Ian were amazingly still in bed in their camper van ...sorry...RV.  Sarah and i gave each other that look that says...."we remember those days"...last night we had an entertaining time comparing notes of our trips so far. I opened my mouth like a goldfish with no sound coming out when Ian said he had 15 pairs of trousers & shorts.  Also our trips are going to cost about as much as each other with theirs three times shorter than ours.

After they rose we watched a bit of World Cup then went out to the PP Park. 2 mins away from the car we approached a cliff with a tree at 45degrees growing out of it. Attached was a wooden cross with a name burnt on. Further up the tree was a frayed rope. We were all Sherlock Holmes for a minute.     We then split into two mental attitude groups. This is  too dangerous. This is fine lets carry on.

We safely found ourselves on the beach. The mud is either horrible or a high class foot massage according to your particular between the toes squelch preference.
We then met a man and his 3 yr old son. He turned out to be a pastor for youth in a nearby church.

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