Thursday 26 June 2014

Olympia to Fort Townsend

After a couple of hrs of on line admin we had booked Sarahs flight back july 8th to 13th. Spoken to next host in Portland Janet to let her know it would be me and the kids only for 5 days. She was fine and just said "if you can cook thats great as I dont like doing it".

We packed. Loaded. And left at 3pm with nowhere booked. Sonya looked unhappy as she must have seen us packing. We forgot the Cheerios but got everything else.

Kids had two trays of nectarines wedged between them and a water bottle each which they were happy to try and fit into the holder section even if they wouldnt stay there. We got to an unattended voluntary pay site but noone else was there. So we chanced it on a good site half hr further on. On the phone they said they had two fcfs slots. Anxiously driving there we found they had 8!. The gamble had paid off
It was exciting being free to explore again.and we have 8 nights to get to Portland

As we paid at reception we bought firewood. With no space in the car the bundle had to go on Sarahs lap but she didnt argue.

I was so happy to find this place and its the first campsite fire of our whole trip
Chicken stuffed pasta with fresh pesto
Later walked down to pick up driftwood for the fire

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