Sunday 15 September 2013

what is little friendly farm (LFF)?

We are 3 hours west of bangkok. Arnon looks after 9 sheep, 1 horse, 2 pigs, has chickens, 4 rabbits and 3cats and 3 dogs.  He also found a dog that had been hit by a car and is paralzyed in its rear half (so it can't tell its hind legs are bloody raw mounds as it drags itself around by its front legs) so the hind legs are bandaged regularly.  Previous helpers have designed a wheeled kind of chair for the dog but he doesn't like it so i'm not sure how its going to turn out if he doesn't go for the chair.

There is a teepee that ARnon lives in and one under constructoin, joined to the farm is an eatery and some accomodation which we are in.  So its all totally open air, even this computer. Near a main road we see motorbikes with coloured lights going past in long convoys and occasional speedster racers but mostly its quiet.  this morning at 7.30am we saw a long line of orange clad monks going past, then half an hour later 3 of them came back the other way and waited outside our eatery in a line of 3 in front of us..the calmness of their energy was quite moving.....this is regular ritual as they then open these pots they have been carrying and we as hosts each take a turn to put a bit of cooked rice into their pots (rice we already have ready), we then knelt down in front of them and they did a prayer back to us, the kids were sleeping in this morning as Rowan had gastroenteritis (he is ok now but it will be great for them) before the monks then leave

We go and cut grass and sapling bits of trees from the roadside (the kids get to ride too) to feed to the animals and put the greenery in Arnons motorcycle side car to take it back to the farm before clearing out the animal enclosure first  and then putting the new green shoots into the enclosure. the old saplings now stripped of their green leaves go to help make the teepee under construction.  Arnon is always nipping around in his sidecar picking things up or taking us on errands or going himself

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