Wednesday 18 September 2013

A day in the current lives.. (of a thai farmer)

Sarah - We are at the little friendly farm and the children are having the time of their lives! They are spending their days chasing chickens, throwing water at each other, going around in a mo-ped sidecar/trailer (their new preferred method of transport!) and having  fine old time! We have watched chicks hatching, red ants invading everything, new buildings being made and old ones being renovated.

Times are very hard for farmers here, with little or no money to survive on and everything must be provided by the land, food for the aimals, shelters, pens etc..makes me realise how different things are where we live. Makes me grateful for the simple things that we take for granted too.

Guy and I are working most of the time - (Guy more so than me) and I am either mucking out pigs and sheep and horses or child minding.. Guy is busy building a shelter for the horse today and I am watching the front of the shop.

I dont quite know what I was expecting but certainly not mucking out the animals in flip flops and then clearing a roomful of rubble out of a old house! Our plan is under review and we are thinking of moving from here on monday instead of staying here until next saturday.. we are thinking of taking a little holiday for a short week or trying to go to our next host (a school in the jungle - eek!!)  a bit sooner than originally planned. I will update you all when we have more news. As for the bites? The children and Guy have none.. and I am 'taking one for the family' on this hit. 57 at last count. Not nice and not pretty!

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