Monday 9 September 2013

Small steps..

Today we left our home town for the last time, with Guy and I each with a 65 litre rucksack and Esme and Rowan with little tiny ones. Guy had rationed Esme and Rowan's favourite toys out if their bags - big mistake.. They both had major screaming fits all the way across the park. We finally calmed them down and I knelt down to cuddle them and promptly fell backwards! Like the preverbal tortoise on its back I was there - shall we call it 'dry swimming'?!?! I'm sure Guy left me there for longer than was really necessary too! 

After much to-ing and fro-ing we managed to catch a bus to London and make our way across the airport without too much trouble. The children have had it drilled into them that they must not let go of their bags, of us, and of each other. on arrival at the hotel we had two hours of exploring, playing hide and seek and seeing who could jump the highest on the beds! 

It's so easy to forget what we have left behind as we donn the masks of adulthood.. This trip is all about taking a deep breath and saying 'YES! I can do it!' 'I can change things!' 

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