Thursday 12 September 2013


Guy again     They are also learning about evaporation to keep cool. Those nightclub wet shirt ideas from twenty years ago combined with o level physics come in handy sometime!   As the smart office workers made their way past there were lot of friendly glances at the water children. Proud as I was when they asked if they could takeALL their kit off we just kept it to feet. Spider man trainers are better than pink crocs for throwing water as no holes! From then on the kids were loving it all they then wanted to do was run up and down escalators in air conditioned shops and they weren't cold. At the entrance to one some orange gloppy substance free sample caught my eye so I grabbed one an gave Esme a tiny bit only to be tapped on my shoulder by the rep with a waving finger. Not for kids I guessed. No idea what it wAs but Esme is currently u able to sleep. Judging by the heels and legs and make up of the rep . . . .  Along with the official looking stand i am sure it will be ok. Love guy

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