Sunday 29 September 2013

Moving on

Had a lovely day on the beach yesterday and we were all totally wiped out after trying to teach the children to swim in the sea 

.. so we got around to burying them.. 

Guy and I managed about ten minutes of book-reading and after lots of protests we finally set them free! (Only minutes had elapsed!) but now the weather is changing and after speaking to the moped-taxi driver we have decided to move on as there is a storm coming over from Japan. 

So we are going to arrive at our next project tomorrow

Which will be great as we have exhausted this tiny island and the rain is coming.. 

I had to go the the medical centre this morning as I have some nasty bites that I have been treating with homeopathic remedies but I wanted them checked. So this morning I got on a moped and arrived bright and early (8.30ish) and got the local nurse out of bed. Things are so laid back here that she treated me still dressed in her pyjamas whilst rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.. She has issued me with lots of antibiotics and some cream.. Without speaking a word
of english! Even if I don't use them now they are very handy to have. All for the princely sum of £3.00. Amazing price considering they would have cost me about £15 at home! 

So, back to Ranong on a 2 hour crossing (the mainland is 20 miles away) then 45 minutes on a local bus. Should be fun! Who knows what the next phase of our big adventure will bring! 

Sarah xx

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