Wednesday 18 September 2013

LFF- off to school we go

We went to the school today for an hour in the afternoon, sang incy wincy spider with the movements and an explanation on the blackboard first, translated by Arnon, then did animals spelling them in time
Our two got to go in the back of a pickup. The thai kids all wanted to touch Esme and Rowan . As we were doing the animals on the board and the making the noises Esme joined in with the noises.  The class then came up one by one and introduced themselves, When one little boy said his name was "Poo" Esme immediately piped up "He's not Poo".  All was ok till we got to the nursery class and when we walked in, all the kids were a little freaked out they all ran to the edges of the class and just stood there looking at us, even trying to connect through play didn't work, Arnon said "its just a getting used to phase dont worry".  The teacher of the nursery was wearing a Wigan shirt, i think "cup" and "relegation" got a bit lost in translation
One kid jumped on my back, in another class they all wanted a hug at the same time. Half of the kids have holes in the heels and toes of their school socks but they keep wearing them.

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