Saturday 21 September 2013

LFF - kids enthusiasm or boredom?

We find that one of us can work most of the day and the other between 30 mins and 2 hours depending on when the kids get bored, or too hot, or in need of a change of scene.
So if thejob doesn't require any hammering or humping then I can look after the kids and Sarah can get dirty too
Today (with other helper Claire) the kids got involved again
(Sarah gave permission about this picture, something about 'legs' she said....i cant remember what)

whilst this was on going, i was replacing the struts on something to keep the grass off the floor
as once that happens the sheep are less likely to eat it.

Last night only 1 of the 4 baby rabbits survived but we dont know why, and the night before one of the sheep fell off the higher platform (badly bruising each leg) you can see above, and now he's been to the vet and its getting special treatment inside Arnons teepee (ie bananas instead of grass) and lying down, with a bamboo splint manufactured for him.

Bamboo is an incredible thing, light, strong, straight. The only reason why we dont use it in the farm construction more here is that its protected in this part of thailand whereas in the north it isn't protected.

4 times a day we have to go and " Cut grass" which means speeding up and down the roads in the sidecar looking at verges for long grass to be scythed and brought back.... this is quite a job...Now i understand the beauty of having a field of grass as all sheep do is eat. eat and eat some more. Arnon doesnt have the luxury of letting them free here.

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