Sunday 15 September 2013

LFF caught in the rain

Today i helped wash sheep with normal shampoo, a first. PIcking up a sheep was also a first.  Then for lunch it was papaya grated with chilli, nuts, tomatoes, noodles, egg. Sarah was taking care of a chundering Rowan,  and Esme wandered between us taking an interest where she saw fit. She got the sheep wet with a hose ready for shampooing (albeit from outside the enclosure).   Later Arnon I and Esme went to a market in his sidecar again, all nice and sunny....and low and behold there was an Angry Birds bouncy castle, so she was straight onto it, surrounded by thai children , all ok until 5 slides down a bang of heads so we got off.  Then the heavens opened, do we stay or do we go?

We went, and the rain was mad for a few moments, so i sat in the bottom of the side car instead of on the mudguard. The bottom is slats ie very permeable. Turned my back to the way we were travelling and held esme between my legs so my back took the rain. As we went along i could feel the water of alternate hot or cold puddles blasting up thru the slats into my shorts. Esme didn't cry bless her and wanted my hand over  her eyes and face for most of it. She was drowned (brave) rat when we got back but a new pair of crocs helped.
Later Arnon explained how to tie fish hooks, he played some guitar and we sang a couple of songs back to each other

 Later Esme decided that eating her noodles under an umbrella was a good idea
Tommorrow we go to the school
Bye for now

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