Wednesday 11 September 2013

We made the mistake of trying to review the contents of esmes small pink rucsac when we were half way across the park in headington, thinking innnocently that 20 small ponys was too many, i tried to take some out after some negotiation, this was then the scene of our first meltdown

we had to concede and put them all back, justified on the fact that some winnicotian "transitional objects" were necessary when leaving home for a year

kids love every new bedroom we come to, its a chance to test the beds and jump up and down like mad things

they did really well in the flights over here, modern technology is amazing on planes, hundreds of things to watch or games to play, and everyone can watch a different one and even pause them too...

now in bangkok the heat is a bit of a shock for them...and the lollies and hot chocolate are different
so we are in a bit of a retraining stage currently
in two sleeps we go to 3 hours west of bangkok for two weeks

last night we had our first red and green curries from a street stall

now its raining very strongly at 11.25am as we wait to go out

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