Thursday 12 September 2013

Not only

Sarah's writing today!  Not only do I have to put up with trying to persuade the children to eat nuclear-pink coloured strawberry jam.. But I also have to put up with THIS!!!

Yup- you guessed it.. Guy caught me trying to shave his head while he was sleeping.. Bummer!! Eyebrows were next.. 

1 comment:

  1. Just got back from my holiday, no wifi at home, so I'm checking your blog for the first time. It looks and sounds like you are having a truly amazing time. The photos of the children are wonderful, they seem very contented in their new world. Well done both of you for having the courage to pursue your dreams. You seem to have landed well and among people who want to help you enjoy yourselves.

    Sorry to hear that Rowan came down with a bug, still it means that his system will be better prepared, so it's probably a good thing in a way. And Guy, I love the new hairdo, why have I never seen you sporting that look before? It looks great :)

    Please keep posting both of you, I can continue to live vicariously through your tales of adventure and discovery.

    Lots of love to all, and say hello to your beautiful children for me.

    Charlotte xxxx
