Thursday 26 September 2013

Eating eating eating

Today we are at the resort and have been joined by 8 other tourists which has prompted the whole place being lit up like a Christmas tree - which is great - but the biters love the lights too! 

The complex has 24 hour electricity and a little fridge - which has proven to be a lifesaver in the hot conditions. On the first night we mistakenly split some honey covered sunflower seeds on the floor to come home to a bungalow invaded by hundreds of ants. Since then guy has insisted (and correctly so) that all food is either eaten on the balcony or in the bathroom. 

Here's a shot of Rowan eating his breakfast this morning: 

Yes that is right - gnawing away at a pineapple in the shower! Poor little thing!  
The way they do pineapples here they leave the base on so it can eaten like a lolly

Last night we went into 'town' (which is more like a little village) with a population of 500.. And look what I was served for my evening meal..

At home this bad boy would be a major attraction in a fish tank! But in Thailand it is served as dinner for one! Amazing! They asked us if we wanted a whole snapper and little did we realise that 1.8kg later it would arrive like this!

Here's a lovely shot of Esme and guy eating lychees for lunch.. 

Lets see what tonight's forays into food bring.. Sarah xx

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