Wednesday 25 September 2013

A lovely day at the beach

 KP - And our first time to relax for what seems like months.. Considering this trip has taken 18 months of dreaming and 9 to plan and prepare for it still feels as if I'm dreaming and that I may wake at any moment to discover I'm back at home.

But we've made it.. The magic door has definitely been stepped through. It makes me realise how incredibly lucky we are to be able to do this trip - Both financially and because Guy can get a sabbatical from work. I am hoping to find my dream while we're away but I am sure something will come and I'm not too worried. 

We've been caught in rainstorms on the motorbike, I'm still bring eaten alive (again) and the children still fight, but doing it all somewhere out of the chill of the autumn winds makes it all seem so much more bearable. 

The beach is beautiful and the bungalow is great but there are many more biting things around here.. We woke up this morning to find a bull frog had nestled in and made himself comfortable on the balcony and was deep croaking his friends this morning.

We've spent the morning on the beach today but it was so hot we retreated indoors over lunch and for most of the afternoon. We have been in a quandary about whether to move more into civilisation today, but have decided against it as its really special to have our own beach right at the front door. There are only three other guests in the complex which is perfect as the children can run around making as much noise as they like. 

Getting into the local town (there is only one) is rather like being on a roller coaster and doing the stomach flipping as we go up and down really steep hills makes me close my eyes - all that with a small child wedged between me and a driver on the scooter is all really hair raising! 


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