Thursday 12 September 2013

We're in Bangkok!

It's hot, humid, stinking and there are dubious sources of water everywhere.. There are huge open holes in the roads, (are they sewers?) piles of rubbish, strings of thick black wires hanging above our heads, thin cats, thin people, beautiful orchids, vibrant blasts of colour everywhere you look.. And I must admit it - I love it! 

I live the vibrancy. The mystery. Not being able to read anything in the shops, not quite getting the hang of the currency.. But it's all great! Wouldn't change it for the world! 

We all survived what felt like a whole day of flying with no ill effects. We were all falling asleep in the back of the taxi by the time we finally arrived but the little hostel we are staying in is clean, roomy and friendly. Only eight flights of stairs up.. The kids are eating gingerbread men for their breakfast (getting one if their five-a-day in early!) and we are all safe and together.. What a brilliant start! 

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