Sunday 2 February 2014

Yarra - meal without kids!

A lovely evening out -
without the children! This was our second night out together since we left home in September. 

I have one pair of high heels that I bought for $10.00 in Brisbane and I absolutely refuse to get rid of them! 

After much nagging and a wedding anniversary coming up Guy took me out.. 


This is us leaving - photograph every event! (What saddo's we are!)

And we were lent an undercover police car too! Wicked! 

Guy thought it was quite hilarious that I was the only chick in high heels in the whole joint. 

And Sheena - these ones are for you!!

Green curry and red curry with coconut rice.. 

This is a 1932 or 1934 Ford Hot Rod

Guy couldn't get over the fact that we could drive for 20 minutes and park right outside the restaurant;) there's no way we could do that at home;) 

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