Monday 3 February 2014

French island-about it

Just south of melbourne.  Population 110. Length 22km. No district council. Policeman last came 5 years ago. Cars are unregistered and a blind eye is turned. Its a haven from rules and "over regulated" australia as our lift giver chris told us. He used to live here till he was 20. He used to camp and horseride and go anywhere as a kid. Now half the island is state park horseriding is not allowed in it. Then he was a   missionary for twenty years before returning. He was very chatty during the car ride. I thought he should be a tourist guide. It turns out his mother used to be one. He certainly was not an insular island dweller

Main road below. 

Many mud brick houses used in 1800's have since decayed but the accompanying rows of pear trees supplied during govt resettlement during a famine mark out former properties.

there Is no mains water or sewerage. So there are three water tanks on the island for fire engines to use . Graham our host has 5 tanks with 95000 litres storage as he needs to provide showering for helpers but mainly because of little rain. He collects rain water and has bore water that Is pumped up

the island used to have a prison from 1916 to 1975. but owing to escapes home owners all had guns and women didnt go out alone
now the prison is an eco farm with other helpers volunteering like we are. However staying in a prison is not to everyones liking as the reviews of helpers from there show on line

grahams house is near to. mount wellington In the middle

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