Tuesday 11 February 2014

French island-getting creative

We have been experimenting with baterables for the forthcoming market

WWholewheat. Once sarah had finished the kids sent leaves through and that kept them entertained for a while
pesto delicious even kids liked it

we date mark. Rotate and do our best to get through them.
when its very hot kids dont really like going outside but rowan will for this
flattening recyclables
leaves only not fingers please
bbq sauce and whites of boiled eggs
now with VERY salty olives. Who am I to say that is a food combination that I have never tried?

today we went outside and the horizon normally so clear was obscured by distant smoke from more bushfires and our air smelt smoky..

we have been typing up scattered notes for helpers so in one place .printing labels for comfrey oil bottles. Sorting through crockery (grahams old house had 3 kitchens). Writing a list for future helpers to know what to take to the barter. 
this evening we took the earth truck for a go down grahams drive whilst eating an apple

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