Thursday 27 February 2014

Day 5 - in chilly Queenstown

Only 90 mins away from Wanaka but closer to the south pole and it feels like it too! Absolutely freezing here - and are we equipped for cold snowy climes?  No way!!

Luckily Guy had the foresight to check the weather and even though it feel like it will snow any minute, it won't. As it was pouring with rain when we arrived we are in a snug little motel tonight and tomorrow night.

Just as well as Rowan has woken up with a stiff neck and can't turn his head.
We are dosing him up with lots of medicine and cuddles:)

Poor littke Esme has started suffering with travel sickness and the road to Queenstown is very hilly with lots of hairpin bends. Esme was becoming fraught in the back of the car and I was attending to her (telling her to stay calm etc) and she started retching.  I took my eye of her for a second and the next thing you know Rowan had started retching too and before you know whats happened.. Double trouble in the back! Yup! You got it! Horrible but true! Twins hey! Gotta love em!

Lots of activies for sale here too! Going to need some serious persuading though! 

Sarah xx

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