Wednesday 5 February 2014

A beautiful day on the farm

Today Guy cut down a massive tree. 

Here's a before picture:it is dead already

Here's an after picture: HHe went from one end to the other

Meanwhile the children and I were busy making our first ever loaf of bread. The children absolutely loved it.. As you can see.. 

Rowan is really into posing for the camera! 

And here's the final stages:

We made 2 loaves like that and they both came out well! Yay! 

I am really enjoying here and I feel I'm getting into my stride and becoming much braver at creating in the kitchen.. A new love of mine! 

Then we went outside to look at the beautiful horses in the paddock.. 

One of these beauties won the Melbourne Cup a few years ago. Now they're just resting out their days. Hanging around in the field. Nice life! 

I am astounded at the beauty of this place - both the island and the amazing farm.. Guy and I would never have had the opportunity to stay here unless we had been volunteering.. DO IT! This is a real luxury for us all but we're learning lots of amazing things by volunteering. 

This is an old chicory smoking house.. Rowan and I went looking for pirates (and snakes!) today.. It was disappointingly clean inside! 

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! Can you give me a bit of a list of things Esme and Rowan eat, drink thanks xxxxx
