Monday 24 February 2014

Nz-Into the wild day1-mount potts

so off we go.very windy.dust being blown up around us
Perhaps the chalk 
in the water Makes It this colour
Then we turned off tarmac road to go 
in search of steve Our friend from tcdf 
in thailand who we met in september. He was walking from North of south 
island To south. He has had 2 months on his own
including 12 Days where he had to carry all his own food. When I first hugged him there was nothing there compared to his portly thai self he hAs lost 20kg

So the ice cream was needed. He had tried to cross a river and it was too strong. In thailand he got dengue fever known as "bone breaker " fever because your bones feel like they are breaking apparently. Then he was bitten by a dog. So had to have just in case three sets of rabies jabs which is a brutal run for any body. So now he was helping in the lodge and eating his way to strength
After some bunk bed testing and a day in the car (the lasT 22km at 15km an hour on the gravel) a walk was in order 
Aparently the polystyrene village blew away twice and had to be built 3rd time to complete filming. The wind was Incredibly strong.
After the kids slept it was great to listen to more of steves soft american accent as he described the 2 month walk with no alcohol. Leaning to love his own company. Having a cold for a month. Some kind of purge happened for him.
i concluded as i went to bed 

"sounds like you have moved mountains"
to which he answered
"the mountain moved me"


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