Saturday 22 February 2014

Darfield day out together 2 of 2

We then had iwiwe were arsing around asking for explanations and flavours. It later turned out her colleague was on a break. When she came back "thats been a long half hour"
On way back to the car we saw something like it had been driven by Albert Popwell from Dirty Harry II
afterwards off to the creek for a paddle
so we arrived at our first countryside location in New Zealand and it was just drive up , no hassle, no crowds, no paying,  get out of the car and the river was right there
rowan was all up for going in until the water temp gave a different outlook on things
i had to be suncream hat and water police (a usual role)
water was suprisingly beareable and I'm a wimp when It comes to tolerating cold water. There were snorkels and rings and allages and the river filled up as the nursery event we had just been to finished up back in oxford.

jacqui n bill were mission control, sitting calmly In front of their range rover keeping an eye on the child on the climbing frame whilst we were in the river.

sarah was getting to grips with her camera and enjoying it. Using functions etc


yes i thought so too


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